We’re last minute kind of people so when we were told last week that our daughter needed a costume for her performance the following week we figured we had plenty of time. Fast forward a week (and a cold on my part) and it’s Saturday morning 9am when we realize that we don’t have a costume for her 12:30 performance. She was playing the part of Tootles in Peter Pan so we needed to equip her with a bow and arrow. My husband took off out the door in search for the perfect bow stick and I hunted the house to scrounge up items to make a quiver and some arrows.
While my husband scavenged the yard I grabbed a hot glue gun and a paper tube from some wrapping paper and got to work. (just an aside when did wrapping paper switch from cardboard tubes to just rolled up cardboard?). In short order my husband appeared with a bow and then hit my fabric bin to scrounge up an outfit. A few hot glue burns later I was done with the quiver and moved on to the arrows. Thanks to to duct tape these took no time at all. I also made a belt out of some rope. It was quite hectic but extremely fun. My daughter added her own flair with a headband and leg band from scraps. We were done in about an hour, plenty of time. This is what we came up with;
They looked ok in daylight and she was completely thrilled about the outfit but I bet you’re wondering what those crazy materials looked like on stage.
Not too shabby?
Love it. I so have to try this with my boys or the next fairy party. Thanks for sharing.
Awesome costume! She looks really cute
Blast from the past: : Peter Pan and Paper Tubes http://t.co/ouRyhkRj48
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