Settlement is next Friday … I hope

Ok so we’re buying this house and one of the perceived “benifits” for the seller was a quick settlement, 30 days. He agreed to this and so Will and I have been working our asses off to get everything ready from our end. I can say that as of this morning we are all set;…

The side again from the front. There is a retaining wall that runs along the entire side of the house.        

A close up of the side from the back of the house.        

Another view of the LARGE Linden tree. Did I mention that it was a big tree?        

Of course a quick pic of Seda in the back yard.        

Another view of the back and the LARGE Linden tree.        

This is the back of the house. The view is from the neighbors yard.        

This is the front porch. As you can see we’ll need to replace and/or repaint the columns holding up the porch.        

This is a view from the side. Here you can see the large linden tree in the back right hand corner of the house.        

Finaly I’m going to post some pictures of the house. We’ll start of course with the front!