Our house…. That’s right we’re getting a house.

We have a signed agreement of sale on a house and we had the home inspection today. We have to wait to get the report on Sunday but it looks pretty good. We are going to get someone out next week to double check for termites because the neighbors had a horrible infestation in their kitchen and these being twins we really want to make sure that’s not the case with ours. So I’m going to call today and try to get another termite inspector who also contracts for carpenter work to come out and double check and give us an estimate for some additional work that is already needed. Everyone’s needs to be done in a rush because settlement is on the 30th !!!!
I will eventual post a picture of at least the outside of the house. It’s a really cute 3 bedroom 1 bath twin with a stone front and vinyl siding. It’s got a great big linden tree in the side yard and a funky retaining wall next to it that curves around the linden tree. There are new replacement windows, the kind that tilt in and a newer kitchen – probably redone in the 90s. We are aiming to be in by early November so we can have our families there for Thanksgiving.

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at HarmonicMama.com.

2 thoughts on “Our house…. That’s right we’re getting a house.

  1. Congrats on the new house! I look forward to seeing the pictures that you post. 😉

    ~Dan Cross

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