Our CSA and weekly trip to the farm.

We decided this year to be part of a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). What this means is that you purchase a share of a farm much like purchasing a share of a company. We go weekly to pick up our week’s share of produce, or half a share as the case may be. If the farm is doing well and the wether has been good then we get a great deal of healthy fresh produce. This is not always the case and this year was a bad year for strawberries so there were only 3 weeks in which we could pick strwberries and they were small.

Our CSA is a biodynamic farm that grows organic produce. Every friday we take a trip out to the farm and see what we get. It’s a long drive, about an hour, but well worth it. We have so much fun and it’s the one thing that we do weekly as a family. They have u-pick fields where depending on what’s in season you can pick flowers, shelling peas, strawberries, snow peas etc. Seda loves to help pick but lately she has been distracted by the swing set and the cloth geodesic dome/sand pit that is out by the fields. It struck me the other day at how cool it is that we get to take our children to where their food is grown and show them how it grows and have them help us pick it. It’s really special.

The food we get from the CSA makes up most of our meals for the week. I will admit though it gets tough trying to figure out what to do with the 10 zuccinis and two really big bunches of beets. I just recently got a book called “The Big Book of Preserving the Harvest” which should help. I highly recomend joining a CSA it’s great fun.

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at HarmonicMama.com.

3 thoughts on “Our CSA and weekly trip to the farm.

  1. Susan loves beets. We get them and we boil them and they go on everything from a salad to a sandwich to a side dish. You can also make borsch. As for the zuccinnis my favorite is to split them and add some sort of cheese and spices in the middle. You can cook k them or wrap them in foil and grill them. We have found that the only veggie you really cant grill is beets (and I have asked Susan to try but she said …I don’t think so 🙂

  2. You can too grill beets!!! Alton Brown on good eats grills them, in a broiler though. Just keep the skin on and coat them with a little oil. You can then just slide off the skin, slice and eat! I love your idea with the cheese on the zuccini I’ll have to try it.

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