Long Walk, Toad Talk

In our area there is an annual toad migration from their homes in parks and residential areas to their breeding ground in a nearby reservoir. During their mating migration these toads need to cross some busy roads and sometimes just don’t make it. An effort was started by local citizens to literally help the toads cross the road. This Toad Detour involves blocking off roads and guiding the toads to safe passage.

The Toad Detour people and some people from the Fairmount Park commision sponsered a series of walks over the last month where people could go and learn about the toads, their habitat and the Toad Detour. I took my girls and we had a great time. It was quite chilly out so we didn’t see any toads hoping around. We did learn about the American Toad and a few other toad and frog species in our area.

For more information on the Toad Detour and how to get involved visit http://www.toaddetour.com/

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at HarmonicMama.com.

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