We now have three or four decent candidates for nannies. We are doing a face to face interview tonight with a woman who is a singer songwriter. I just got a call from another woman who had picked up a thing from a sign I hung at a coffee shop. She’s older than me and went to my highschool which is cool and she seemed very nice. Yet another woman is currently out of town for a funeral but will be back tomorrow and a fourth e-mailed me and can do part time. If we don’t end up with a nanny by the end of the week I will have a complex.
Could you remind us why you need a nanny? We’re curious. I thought you were going to stay home once you got the new house. What’s the deal?
We have to get in and settled and make some payments and save some money before me make any deffinate plans. It sucks. š
It’s probably your safest bet anyway, to keep working for a little while. Even houses that are in “move-in condition” inevitaby end up needing work (and therefore costing money) in the beginning to get everything how you want it. Good luck to you guys!!