It’s been way too long….

since I wrote here. Since I last wrote lots of things have happened, a friends baby has been born, a parent has become engaged, potty training is occuring, crawling and climbing are Olympic sports at my house, old friends have contacted me…. lots of things. Oddly enough though I just don’t have or feel like writing about much.

The war is the same still there, people still dying. My three year old daughter yesterday picked up a copy of US News. On the cover was a picture of US solders on the streets of Baghdad. Getting confused, as 3 year olds do, my daughter said… “I’ve been there. That’s our town.” We then explained to her that it wasn’t our town it was Baghdad. She got very excited and said “Ooh! Can I go there?” A simple question that saddened me heavily. I told her that she couldn’t go there because there is a war going on. She asked me when it would stop, I told her “When people stop fighting.” She said that she would like to go there someday when the war is over. Again saddened I told her that I was sorry but I didn’t think that she would be able to go to Baghdad in her lifetime. These are really not the type of conversations I should have to have with my three year old. Understandably it meant more to me than her but still, it’s only going to get more difficult to explain as she gets older.

Some days I still feel like a child myself and can’t believe that i have this awesome responsibility of explaining the world to my children.

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at

2 thoughts on “It’s been way too long….

  1. Some old friends of mine from highschool, Jason and Mike, that I haven’t seen or heard from in ages. They were a year younger than me, I’m not sure if you knew them.

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