House hunting SUCKS!

Our family has grown and now that we are a family of 4 (not counting the 2 cats) we are quickly outgrowing our current 2 bedroom apartment. I fear that soon we will be buried in toys. We have actively been house hunting since Feb. and have yet to get anything. We put an offer on a house but were out bid even though we offered well ABOVE asking price. Do to our price range we are kind of scraping the bottom of the barrel for homes and have looked at some really interesting ones.
One of the homes that we looked at was filled with junk (wheel chairs, dishes and wading pants to name some) and had pinups on the walls. In the attic there was a huge bag filled with playboys along with some more wading pants. The man who lived there was a shut in who had died, hopefully not in the home. His ex-wife who had not stepped foot in the place for 30 years is somehow still on the deed so she is responsible for the property now. She evidently walked in and then walked right back out and told her Realtor to “just sell it”. It’s up for cheap but unfortunately there were lots of structural problems with the place that we just wouldn’t be able to afford to fix so we didn’t make an offer.
Another place that we looked at was nice and spacious but the ceiling was falling down in most rooms, the floor was soft and soggy in the dining room, the kitchen was barely a kitchen and it was suspected to have termites. Again this place had too much work that needed to be done. The last place that we looked at recently was another twin and it too was cheap but way too tiny. The living room was around 8′ x 10′ and I think that is being generous and the one wall was covered in gold and silver mirrors. The dining room was the same size as the living room and the basement was barely there. The yard was really nice and had an out building but the upstairs had no distinct bedroom spaces and was way too small for us and the girls.

Today I e-mailed the Realtor about a property that is a little bit above what we want to spend but in a great area and just what we’re looking for and of course it’s under contract. I swear if we don’t leap at a house the first day it’s on the market then we lose it. It’s really starting to get frustrating.
We may have one more prospect. There is a house close to my friends apartment which we have titled the “murder house”. Not to long ago a woman was murdered by her son in the house. The house is now in possession of the younger son and we are patently waiting to see if it comes on the market. We figure because there was a murder there it may go for cheap. There has been no sign of it going up for sale yet but we are patiently waiting. I will admit it kind of bothers me that someone was murdered there but I could put that aside if we could get it for cheap.

Well our search continues. Our goal is to be in a house by the end of the year so we have some time. I keep telling myself the longer it takes the more money we can save. That’s how I keep my self sane

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at

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