So today’s post was going to be about pumpkins, carving candles and all that kind of October goodness but fate intervened. I came out of our local greasy spoon after enjoying breakfast with my girls, hopped in the car and headed home. That’s when I heard it THWAP THWAP THWAP. The unmistakable sound of a flat. I had to drive a few blocks to find a nice level parking spot to fix the flat. (I had never really noticed before how slanted most of the parking spaced in town are.) I parked next to, what I would soon find out, was an architectural firm and got busy. I moved all the junk in the back of the car to the middle and was able to, barely, get to the spare. The girls were very helpful and I figured this would be a good learning experience for them so they helped me move the tire towards the front. I gave them a quick lecture about loosening the lug nuts before jacking up the car and then I attempted to remove one of said lug nuts. Nothing. No movement whatsoever. My next strategy was to place the wrench on the lug nut and have my little one stand on it. Although very amusing it was not very effective. Next my older daughter again fun, but wholly ineffective. It was at this time that two wonderful guy, who were probably watching the show from inside, came out of the architectural firm and insisted on helping. They were absolutely sweet and man did they work fast. The two of them were like a pit crew and had my spare on in no time. It was really amazingly nice of them. The rest of the day was then taken up with taking the car to the dealer and getting the tire (along with 2 others and some breaks) replaced.
So my girls didn’t really learn how to fix a flat today but they did learn about the kindness of strangers.
I needed to hear about the kindness of strangers tonight. I needed to remember that there are good people out there. Thank you.
It really was wonderful. I’ve had to change three flats in my life and this was the first time someone asked if I needed help.