First day of "school".

Today summer is officially over. Lunches are packed and the kids are heading out for their first day of “school”. Why the quotes? Well my kid’s don’t really go to school. My kids go to a resource center two days a week to be with other home schooled kids, play, create, run around, play, build things, and play. The program that they are in is completely open and child led. There are facilitators who assist the children when needed but mainly the kids are free to do and create what they want either alone or with others. The space that they are in is amazing. It’s located in a reconstructed barn on 20 some odd acres of land. The children have access to a wood shop, art supplies, clay, a pond and acres of wilderness. The children can decide to do things collectively as a group or on their own and they can choose to take part in games or cognitive development exercises. They don’t have to though. Mine tend to like the cognitive development games so they usually choose to do so. Sometimes they plan plays or create outfits out of fabric with stapled seams. The possibilities are endless.

This is their third year there and they couldn’t be more excited to get back and see their friends. Today is their first day of “school”.

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at

1 thought on “First day of "school".

  1. Hi there, this is a new concept for me – I am Australian and only just starting to think about homeschooling my children…. I don’t think this kind of thing exists here. What kind of organisation runs this resource centre? Do they have a website I can go to to have a better look around? It sounds fabulous.

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