Category: Education
Homeschooling young kids can be a rewarding experience, but finding the right resources is key. Here are…
As a parent supporting your unschooled child‘s transition to college, one of the unique challenges you might…
Why AI is the Ultimate Homeschooling Assistant Are you tired of the daily grind of lesson planning,…
Introduction – Unschooling in the Post-COVID-19 World The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed several facets of life, and…
Homeschooling has become an increasingly popular option for families in recent years. One of the concerns many people have about homeschooling is whether or not homeschooled children will get enough social interaction.
Stocking stuffers are always the last thing on everyone’s list. If you’re still looking for some awesome…
Deciding to homeschool your son or daughter might be among the most crucial decisions you ever make as a parent, and it’s going take a great deal of consideration, communication, and soul-searching.
I agree with quite a few things the author says what I don’t agree with is how she places the responsibility of all of this squarely on the parents.
Unschooling and homeschooling are often used interchangeably but are two very different methods of learning or “education”. According to Wikipedia:…