Camping … sort of.

We went on our first camping trip over the weekend. It was a group site with lots of families from our natural living group. We got there at about 2pm on Sat. and Seda was asleep in the car. I tossed Sage in the Moby and we got to work unpacking. It took about 30 min to unpack and then an hour or so for Will to set up the tent, twice. By this time Seda had woken up from her nap and the only kids that were around were three boys that were a couple of years older than her. She didn’t have much interest in playing but I didn’t think much of it, strange surroundings and older kids.

At around 4 while we were getting ready to head to the pool I noticed that Seda was a little warm but figured that it was the heat and the pool would help. At the pool we saw lots of Amish with strollers, pool noodles and carseats, etc… it was a bit surreal. We swam for a little and then as soon as I took her out she was freezing and wanted to be wrapped in several towels. We traveled back to the camp site with her all wrapped in towels and then she just crashed in the tent. She laid down and wouldn’t get back up. At this point I had started dinner so we finished cooking dinner, ate with everyone. By this time we had given her some children’s Motrin and some homeopathic ear drops just in case but her fever was 102.3 so we headed home. It took us at least as long to break down camp as it did to set up but this time it was in the dark. Seda sat in her car seat in the van with the doors open the entire time, just hanging out. We didn’t need any additional confirmation that she was sick but if we had that would have been it. Usualy if we’re in the car and it’s not moving she has no interest in being in her seat she’d rather be “driving”.

So our camping trip lasted about 7 hours we left the park at 9pm. This was our second attempt at camping our first attempt was thwarted because everyone else decided not to camp.

One last thing, Will is such a sweetheart and to show that here is the conversation that took place as we were leaving the park.

Seda says “I don’t want to go home. Why are we leaving?” Before I could reply with a “because your not feeling well …” type thing Will cut me off and says “Because Papa’s not feeling well.” to which Seda responds “Papa, I’m not feeling well either.”

It totally melted my heart.

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at

3 thoughts on “Camping … sort of.

  1. Sorry your camping excursion did’t work out, but Awwwwwwwwwww! So cute!! I am sure that moment made the whole thing worthwhile.

    I hope Seda is feeling better now!


  2. Seda is doing fine now. We took her to the Dr’s on Monday and she had a red sore throught. They tested her for Strep but luckily it wasn’t Strep so she’s still a little moody and achey but doing fine.

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