Camping on the beach is fun, despite the sand.

I have a hate hate relationship with sand so I was somewhat reluctant to go on our camping trip this past weekend to Assategue National Park but I’m glad I did. After many delays, like needing a new master cylinder on the Honda in a hurry, we arrived in Assategue at 6:45 Friday night. Just in time to set up camp, grill up some veggie dogs and head to the beach to sit around a nice warm campfire and roast marshmallows. The tide threatened to put out our fire but was kept at by by a nice trench that some of the guys dug. Also we saw a really cool sand crab crawling across the beach which froze stiff when we shined our flashlights at it. We had a brief moment of panic when Seda followed one of the adults back to camp without us knowing and it sent us into sheer and utter distress. Will, the other adults and I were all screaming for her and running up and down the beach. Finally someone shouted that she was back at camp and calm returned. Will immediately went back to camp and had a little talk about wandering off without telling us.

The next day we spent flying kites and splashing in the frigged water. Aunt Gaile got sunburned and the girls got soaked. We collected a quart of shells from up and down the beach and Will took a 3 hour nap, with Sage. That night at dinner time we frantically had to pack up all of our stuff due to an impending storm. We started dinner at the picnic table and finished it in the tent. The storm passed and it was just minor sprinkles for the rest of the night, which was spent around a fire on the beach. I put the girls, and my self, to sleep around 9am and we slept well accept for Seda needing to pee and have water, which of course was not in the tent at 3am.

Sunday we had breakfast, packed up camp and headed out. Before we left I had promised Seda that we could go to the beach and say goodbye. We walked up to the beach and stood at the top of the dune, looking around for a while and out in the distance I saw two dolphins breaking the surface as they swam, it was a great send off. When we left camp we all went go carting. There were family cars where we rode one adult one child and even small go carts for kid Seda’s age. After that we had lunch and then headed to Ocean city, just us though the rest of HOSO headed home. In Ocean City the girls rode more rides and Will and Seda event went on the GIANT ferris wheel out on the pier. Then we headed home.

Yes I was covered in sand, yes if I dropped anything it became covered in sand but despite the sand it was a great weekend.

PS I have attached a picture of the ponies, not my photo – still no camera – but they walk through camp just like this. It’s pretty amazing.

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at

2 thoughts on “Camping on the beach is fun, despite the sand.

  1. Assateague is awesome, isn’t it? We should all go camping together some time. Where we are going to be isn’t far from there at all…

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