Spring has sprung around here and that means mud! With my two kids (my husband) and a dog my white carpets didn’t stand a chance this time of year, or any time for that matter. About two years ago that changed. I found a wonderful solution for not only muddy foot prints but pet stains, vomit, spilled juice and any other kind of spill, splatter or mess that gets on our carpet. It’s called a Bissell SpotBot Pet Deep Cleaner. This little machine has been a life saver. It’s tiny so it stores well in our hall closet and it’s super easy to use.
There are two ways of using the machine either in manual mode or hands free automatic. In manual mode you use the vacuum hose and scrub brush, this method is good for larger messes but where this thing really shines, especially in a busy household, is with it’s automatic hands free cleaning function. You simply put the SpotBot over the stain and hit a button and the unit does the rest. Its scrubs and vacuums and scrubs and the spill is gone in 3 minutes. Leaving you free to do something else while it cleans away.
The SpotBot really is a must have for any household with or with out pets or kids. That’s why I’ve partnered with Bissell to give one lucky reader a Bissell SpotBot Pet Deep Cleaner!
To enter leave a comment on this post telling me why you would love to own a Bissell SpotBot!
For additional entries you can do the following (you must leave a comment for each one seperately for it to count as an entry):
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The contest closes at 10 pm on 3/22/2011. Good luck!
Official giveaway rules
Disclosure: Although Bissell is providing the Bissell SpotBot Pet Deep Cleaner giveaway item I did not personally receive anything from Bissell for this review. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but were not influenced by the company or the free product provided for the giveaway.
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I would love to win this because boys are soooo dirty!! I feel like I’m dragging out my big carpet cleaner every week to clean up after them!
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I would love a bissell spot bot, I have all boys as well plus a bird and my stepson’s dog that comes to visit. There is always a need to clean a spot on the rug.
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just tweeted..
It is muddy this spring and both my dog and kids tend to bring in mud.
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Honestly, this would be nice to clean up cat puke.
I would love to own this as with two little girls and three cats, well, I’m sure you can imagine the messes that get made!
I would love to win because my dachshund is not always perfect!
I follow you on twitter via @NolaTricia
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I’d love to win it because I’m a mom and kids are messy…and let’s face it, I’m messy too!
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Lisa Thompson
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My cat punky would love for me to win this!
I would love to win this because I have two cats and you know how much hair cats shed. Bissell makes great products.
I would to win this because we have soo many stains in the carpet that won’t come out. This would be a great alternative to a carpet steamer.
I need this because my little granddaughter always manages to spill things on my carpets as well as have dirty shoes!
kport207 at gmail dot com
I’d love to win it because with two dogs I could really use it
vlbsweeps at gmail dot com
My carpets are always getting filthy from three kids, a dog and a cat. I need this!
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
I follow Bissell on twitter: @lazybones344
Why would I like to win this? Raising five kids and a dog. Enough said…
My husband doesn’t mean to be but he is Mr. Muddy and he never remembers to remove his boots after being outside hard at work. I could really put this to use! Thank you!
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…all the usual reasons, plus it is so cute!
I tweeted http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/48749869048926208
I would love to win because I have a large dog and two sons…enough said.
Following Bissell on twitter @annedoggett
This would be a great machine for all the dirt that gets tracked in during gardening!
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I have two cats who sometimes make little messes. Not enough to drag out the huge carpet cleaner. This would be ideal!
I’d love to own a Bissell spotBot because I live in a small condo and don’t have much storage room for a large carpet cleaner and I hate hauling those rental ones back and forth. It would be ideal for me to maintain my carpets.
I wanna win this, because my kids love to spill things.
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Tiffany Lane
We have a white carpet which shows everything.
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We have dogs and cats and this would be a great help in keeping my home clean.
mlynnw83 at gmail dot com
With two dogs and two kids in the house, things get messy on our rugs.
dogs and kids- and yep we have those spots which appear only after they have been there for days and I have become anal- yes anal about cleaning
I would love to own a Bissell SpotBot since so much dirt is tracked into our home by the doorway. This would help clean up the mess from spreading into the whole house.
I would like to own this because I have an indoor cat that throws up at times.
a Bissell SpotBot Pet Deep Cleaner! I have 3 main reasons why i need one of these, their names are Authur Pharaoh and Chanupa our cat and two dogs. They can make a mess and I like to make sure I can clean up properly after them to keep the rugs and everthing their cleanest
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I would love to win this my dog ac is always into something and there is always spot on my white carpet i know not a smart choice.
I would love to own this as I have 2 young boys and a dog and it is greatly needed- lol!
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Well, here are 7 reasons: Patches, Cole, Boots, Tiggie, Shorty, Boo and PeeWee.
ky2here at msn dot com
Twitter follower ky2here1.
ky2here at msn dot com
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ky2here at msn dot com
And here’s my tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/ky2here1/status/48879416369086464
ky2here at msn dot com
I would like to win the Bissell SpotBot because between the dog, kids – and yes, occasionally even me! – someone is always tracking in dirt or grease or spilling something on the carpet.
kimkmc at yahoo.com
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kimkmc at yahoo.com
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kimkmc at yahoo.com
I have some old spots in my carpet and would love to try this on them!
I Follow @harmonicmama on twitter (ohstac)
I have a small dog who sometimes makes little messes that aren’t worth getting the big ole carpet cleaner out for!
I have a house full of pets and could use this. I have 2 dogs and 4 cats that are always making messes by getting into stuff or coming in the house with dirty paws.
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I would love to win a Spotbot because we have 4 cats, and two of them have VERY sensitive stomachs!
I follow Bissell on Twitter (@ohkeeka)
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I would love to own the Bissell Spotbot because I have kids,cats and a husband who doesn’t always wipe his feet when he comes inside.
Thanks for the giveaway:)
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Well, I have a twenty year old cat. That about says it.
follow Bissell on Twitter @paints12
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I would love to own the Bissell SpotBot because I have house rabbits that don’t always use their litter box.
We have a puppy that is having a hard time learning where to go potty!! This would be so much better than getting on my hands and knees with papertowels and 409!!
Thanks for the chance.
Well I share my home with 7 cats and they do have occassional accidents so this would be a very helpful addition to my cleaning routine!
We have five indoor pets so our carpets seem to never be clean.
This would be so great to have on hand for quick touch ups and those little messes.
I am a fan of Bissell via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
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I would love to own a Bissell Spot Bot because I just got my carpet professionally cleaned, and I am constantly worried about it getting dirty again!! This would help with those spots that show up out of nowhere that I get angry about =D
I would LOVE this because I am still trying to train my boxer not to “potty” inside when I go to work but…..I am still having to clean up wet areas—paper towels and spray cleaner just is not enough
I would love to own a SpotBot to take care of the small stains without having to bring out the big carpet cleaner. It’s so much trouble that I end up not doing it until the carpet is really in need of a major cleaning.
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I would love one because with kids, pets, and living in the Pacific Northwest, my carpets take a beating. We used to have the little green clean machine years and years ago and it worked great until we had a fire. Have always wanted to replace but have never gotten around to it.
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I tweeted 🙂 http://twitter.com/#!/jenefer3/status/49314660595400704
I can’t afford to buy new carpet now. Therefore, I REALLY need a good machine such as this to clean this old carpet i have,
My husband is a farmer and you don’t even want to know about some of the stuff he drags in. Add to that a housecat that I swear is bulimic, a crazy grand-dog who comes to visit, plus carpet we bought to “match” the cat and the dog (light colored)…and I could sure use this.
I would love to win this because I now have 4 kitties and 2 pups…. all rescues!! I just can’t say no to an animal in need, but the puppies muddy paws take a toll on my beige carpets!!
I follow Bissell on twitter as @nikalann28
I follow you ( @harmonicmama) on twitter as @nikalann28
Thanks for holding such a GREAT giveaway!
I would love to win it to help with pet messes. Thanks for the chance.
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I would love to win to clean up the red clay that is always tracked in
I would love the Bissell because I have 2 dogs and 2 cats who can sometimes get into messy things!
trippyjanet at hotmail dot com
Oh, heck, girl, I need to tell you how I could benefit from one of these? You’ve met my kids, haven’t you? Ha!
I just liked bissell on the facebooks.
(kathy fitz-lo)
I’m totally racking up my entries, I won’t lie.
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Apparently I can’t spell my own name! lol
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Four cats’ worth of “used food,” and two kids’ worth of juice, marker, mud, jelly, Play Doh.
I don’t need just one, I need six.
I totally need this to clean up the spots that remain when my husband doesn’t wipe his feet after coming in out of the rain! 🙂
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with the cat and dog messes, really need this
I need a Bissell because hubby doesn’t notice when he spills things (but otherwise, he’s a great guy, so I’m not complaining!).
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I shared this page on Facebook using your share button (although it still says 0 above it?). my Facebook ID is Deborah Rosen.
I would like to win this because my sister has an older model and i just love the way it works, they are great and i need one.
melisa0072 at gmail dot com
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I would love to win the Bissell SpotBot so it would be easier for my husband to take care of the spills that happen around our house. Thanks.
My reason? Well, you’ve met my son. =)
I would love to own a Bissell SpotBot because we have 4 cats and 2 dogs. There’s always a stain to clean up around here.
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I would love to own one because pet accidents are hard to clean out. This might make an accident easier to fully clean up.
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I’d love to have one because I hate dragging out my steam cleaner for one doggy yuck spot!
thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
Shared on FB.
I need a bissell because my sisters kids spill everything possible on the floor.
Daily Tweet–https://twitter.com/suebaby05/status/49810103628611584
Our dogs bring in more gross things than the kids. A month ago it was a dead bird. Last week it was an owl pellet. So gross! And it all got on the carpet and still doesn’t look clean. So this would be awesome to win!
tweeted http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/49833457106419712
I would love to won this to help clean up my rugs after my 3 children, dog and cat who don’t know how to wipe their feet when they enter my house! calvad at aol dot com
I would love to win because between pets and kids, our carpet could use a little TLC.
Following BISSELL on twitter: jashelep
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with the spring thaw there’s mud everywhere all the time
Would love to have this little cleaner. Just moved from an all hardwood house to an (almost) all carpet home with three cats and two kids. The eldest cat has some digestion issues – need I say more? Just cleaned up a mess this morning, and know there will be more to come! My efforts this morning didn’t really cut it – there is still a stain on the new carpet – super frustrating! Really would appreciate this little unit for immediate clean up of these spots. The product reviews are exceptional! It would seem to be a great solution to help keep our new (to us), lovely carpeted home lovely!
Thanks for entering me, and for hosting such a great contest!
I would love a SpotBot because I have my clumsy days here and there–and they always seem to happen when I’m eating something with red sauce or drinking red wine… or… you get the picture! My poor carpet. Even though it’s darker than the standard beige, it would be great to have a handy little machine to do the cleaning, rather than my muscle power and a bottle of Woolite. LOL. 🙂
I want to win because our cat barfs everywhere, and occasionally will drag his butt across our carpet for fun. We need this!
I like Bissell on Facebook (Kayte CookWatts)
Horse Ranch… rain, snow… mud, messes, hay, 7 horses, 2 dogs, 8 puppies, 13 cats, 3 kids and 1 me…. need I say more 🙁
I like you on Facebook too! (Kayte CookWatts)
Well, I have three cats – that says it all! thanks for hosting!
I would love to own one because I have three boys under 6 and very light carpet in our new house. It is a constant battle to keep it stain free.
Ok well, I have 4 kids under 7, and 2 cats, and a dog… Plus a husband who works in construction! 🙂 That’s why I want a spot bot!!
I like Bissell on fb. Jennifer Harriman
I’m a fan of Harmonic Mama on fb too. Jennifer Harriman
I’ve signed up for the google reader too!
I need the spot bot
I have tons of puppies running in and out all day long
willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com
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willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com
I need one of these bad! I have two Shit-zus and for some reason they have accidents more than they should and this would save my back and knees.
I would love this for my two messy dogs.
I would love to own a Bissell SpotBot because I have both a cat and a dog….need I say more? 🙂 Thank you.
I like Bissell on Facebook! 🙂 (Jaque Richards)
I like Harmonic Mama on facebook. 🙂 (Jaque Richards)
I need a spot bot for my Australian Shepherd. She doesn’t see a problem with being in the creek and then jumping over the porch and into the house.
Also, we doggie-sit a Golden Retriever and a Golden Doodle. Neither understand that from Creek to Porch should be a pause before coming inside.
This win would be FABULOUS!
I follow bissel on twitter: wemeanclean
I would like to win this because I am always cleaning up hairballs from my cats off of the carpet.
I would love to win this! I have 3 dogs, 3 cats, and a 9 year old! It definitely won’t just sit in a closet with me lol.
aeris321 at gmail dot com
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Love to win because I have 2 cats that love making messes.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love to win because I have 4 kids, 2 dogs, and a Do-It-Yourself Husband, all which translates to mud, dirt, spills, and mystery stains on my floors.
Rss subscriber via Google reader
It sounds like this could really handle some big messes…I’d love to try it out.
I need this with 3 teens and kitties and dogs I have a more the a few spots that could use some Bissell cleaning.
My son plays sports and is always tracking in mud and I also have an older cat that sometimes makes messes so this would really come in handy in our house! Thanks!
like Bissell on facebook as Darcy Bishop
like Bissell on FB under Rene Denning.
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This Would be great for all stains that i get on my carpet !!!!!!!!
I have a husband and three kids in the house, that means there is always something to be cleaned, and sometimes a straight up vacuuming is just not enough to get the job done. That’s why I would like to win.
I like Bissell on Facebook (Sarah Smile).
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I would love to own a Bissell Spotbot because:
1. We have replaced most of the carpet in the house, but we still have a couple of rooms plus some area rugs.
2. We have 9 cats.
3. Said cats throw up a lot.
With our first and only litter of border collies, this would be a lifesaver!
would love to own a Bissell SpotBot for my pet messes
I live with two men, two dogs and one cat in a little apartment. I think that is all that needs to be said about why I want to win this!
With 3 young kids, messes happen all the time! I’d love something easy like the Bissell to help me clean up! 🙂
I would love one of these as I have 2 dogs (not to mention the 5 kids that are just as dirty!) and when they want to yak up something I can only hope they’d run for the hardwood floors but nooooooo they do it on the carpet. I just spent $30 for a carpet cleaner rental to get 2 spots out of the carpet. Yeah, fun.
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Brandy B
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thank you!
I tweeted and follow on twitter as natmmom
Oh why, Oh why you ask do I need this wonderful Bissell Spot Machine?
The first two reasons, I scream out loud and clear….my sons- Andrew and Michael, wipe your shoes your tracking mud all through the house!
Least I forget the 4 rescue pets meow, meow, meow and bark…
But the worst culprit of all is the man i’m married to, as he leaves a trail from room to room.
I need this as I have 4 dogs that have accidents.
Like Bissell on FB Susan Smith
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I’d love to own this because I have so so many spots and stains on this rug that need tended to, was going to rent a machine but if we had this it should do the trick. emmaspeel(at)gmail.com
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Emm Enger if need be
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I have five pets (four cats and a dog), and consequently my home is often a mess! I’d love to own a SpotBot to hit those places where someone just *has* to yack, or worse.
5 dogs and a “grand” cat that visits several times a week is why I’d love to win.
FB Bissell Sherry Conrad
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i would love to own a bissell spot bot because our house gets a lot of traffic and it’s hard to keep the carpet clean!
their fb fan tony l smoaks
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I would love to have this because I have pets and this sounds just like what I need!
msjem2001 at yahoo dot com
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This morning, I was on my hands and knees scrubbing out spots from my living room carpet. I was actually thinking, “Boy, I wish I had one of those Bissell thing-ys.”
ceriehl at gmail dot com
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ceriehl at gmail dot com
We have three humans, five dogs, one cat and a lot of messes! We could really use this
I would like to win the Bissell SpotBot because I have light carpet which soils easily and pets living
in my house .
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I’d love to win this because we get lots of spills and stains and I don’t want to have to have the whole carpet cleaned every time we have a spill.
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I would love a bissell because we have four cats and a dog! We had a littlle green before works so good and love bissell products works well. Great giveaway thank you so much!
tishajean@ charter.net
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tishajean@ charter.net
I need this because if one more glass of soda/juice is spilled or the cat barfs on my floor/couch, I’m going to SCREAM!
I have two small boys I call my dirty dogs…I really need the bissell to help with all their messes!
I have a cat and there are those occasional messes.
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I would love to win this because I have 2 little chihuahuas who seem to love the carpet more than the grass 🙁 This could really help me out !
I like Bissell on fb as Arianah Watts 🙂
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I would love to win this because I have 2 pets. There are spots on my rug that I’d love to remove.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
THanks for the contest! (1st comment)
Contestscott33 [at] gmail [dot] com
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Thanks for the giveaway…would love to own a Bissell SpotBot because our kids & dog require constant spot carpet cleaning !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
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I would like to win this because it is small and portable and perfect for cleaning out the car
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
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ardy22 at earthlink dot net
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
Between my pup and son this would be put to good use. Kellyeandjosh@aol.com
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Following bissell on twitter under camilong
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I would love to own a Bissell Spotbot because I have lots of pet stains that need extra attention in order to (hopefully) get them out.
I would love to win the Bissell SpotBot because I have two very messy pets!
I have a dog.
He is a mess!
He leaves my carpet so dirty!
spcale at yahoo dot com.
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carol yerby lewis
spcale at yahoo dot com.
•Follow Bissell on Twitter
•Follow @harmonicmama on twitter
This would be a huge help with pet “accidents” around here!
I like Bissel on Facebook.
tweet http://twitter.com/#!/LuckyJinxy/status/50373745814151168
I’m following you on Twitter (I’m @LuckyJinxy).
I like you on Facebook.
I’m following Bissell on Twitter (I’m @LuckyJinxy).