Are we all Idiots?

My jaw is left agape daily at what comes out of the current U.S. administration. If you don’t agree with the war in Iraq or believe that the intelligence that they followed was flawed you are a “endorsing the policy positions of Michael Moore and the extreme liberal wing of the Democratic party”. This statement immediately belittles and dismisses the valid views of people that are opposed to the war.

This administration had gotten extremely adept at packaging information into small marketable tid bits that are easy for the public to absorb. They are using our TV oriented, short attention span culture against us. By reducing complicated concepts to overly simplified ideas the administration connects with people, unfortunately. For example John Kerry’s opinions on the Iraq war. John Kerry voted for the war based on the intelligence that the administration provided to the Senate. This stated that Iraq had hidden weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), mobile chemical weapons depots and they were on a search for uranium in Africa. Once the war began and we slowly found that none of these assertions were true Kerry changed his stance on the war. He made a mistake and was willing to admit it, unlike the administration. This complicated thought process of Kerry’s was reduced to “Flip Flopping”. So Kerry was labeled a “Flip Flopper”. This idea sunk into the minds of Americans and essentially turned them off. Kerry no longer had to be considered as a threat he was a “Flip Flopper” and that’s all the people needed to know, no need to look further.

The administration continues to do this. They say something over and over and over again and whether true or not the majority of Americans start to believe it because it wiggles in to our lexicon. Our media latches onto these same catch phrases and further propagates the use of them. One thing has become clear, the Bush administration thinks we are idiots. I strongly urge people to look past the jargon of the administration and find the truth.

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at

5 thoughts on “Are we all Idiots?

  1. I don’t think we are *all* idiots. But I do think that our country is populated with a much larger percentage of idiots than most of us would like to admit. Else, none of the Bush admin’s BS would have been allowed to perpetuate and affect things to the degree that it has.

    Back in 2000, I called everything that Bush has done so far (though he has done far more to destroy our nation than even I imagined), and very few people believed me, but I still had faith that at least the majority of Americans would be able to see him and his cronies for what they were. (And there is still debate in some circles as to whether or not Bush actually “won” that election, but that really doesn’t matter now, since the damage has been done…) Now, I know better than to place much faith in the inherent intelligence and common sense of Americans as a whole. Now, it just seems painfully obvious that there are truly a lot more stupid people in this country that I ever would have thought before Bush came into office. It’s actually kind of scary.

    I just hope that everybody who is disgruntled now with the administration remembers the reasons for their discontent when the next election comes around….

  2. i don’t see why you all think we be idiots for supportin g our preisident and his troops because god is on our side and youreall gonna go to hell! Why do you hate our troops?

  3. See what “anonymous” wrote for a perfect example of the idiocy of which I speak. :-/

    Nice logic there, buddy.
    And btw, I didn’t mention the war. Or the part religion has had to play in this administration. You did.

    Pfffffffffftttttt! πŸ˜›

  4. Happy Birthday Jenn!

    Regarding the intel…
    Here’s something worth reading from News | Top-secret cronies
    ::Bush has stacked his foreign advisory board with his Texas business pals, who stand to profit from access to CIA and military intelligence.

    By Robert Bryce
    No discussion of cronyism in the Bush administration would be complete without talking about PFIAB, short for the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. George W. Bush’s latest appointments to the PFIAB, which advises the president on how various intelligence agencies are performing, represent a who’s who of the Halliburton-Texas Rangers-oil business crony club that made Bush into a millionaire and helped propel him into the White House.

    end quotes

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