Twitter Weekly Updates for 2013-11-12 to 2013-11-18

  • Blast from the past: : 5 Great Resources for Printable #Homeschooling Materials.
    #Education ->
  • The family is out so I made myself some duck fat sweet potato fires for dinner. #yum #whatsfordinner ->
  • This is fantastic! I'm still laughing. Everything #Parents Really Want To Say To People With No Kids #parenting ->
  • Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout. Yum! – Drinking a Black Chocolate Stout by @brooklynbrewery #photo ->
  • Why, when surrounded by tons of good friends who love and care about me, do I focus on the one who seemingly doesn't. #ImDone ->
  • Sick and tired of being sick and tired. ->
  • The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! ->
  • #NowPlaying Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious by The Vandals on #Spotify ->
  • Just posted a 2.32 mi elliptical workout – 157/156 #RunKeeper ->
  • Blast from the past: : Tye Dyed Milk – Dinner Table Science
    #Education #Food #Kids #Parenting ->
  • The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! ->
  • Had this last night. It tasted of banana and awesomeness. – Drinking a Tenebrously by Full Glass Brewery – ->
  • I just earned the 'Home Brewed Goodness' badge on @untappd! ->
  • Blast from the past: : A place of their own, the reading nook.
    #Education #Homeschooling #Kids #Life #Parenting ->
  • Yum. – Drinking an Amber Ale by Full Glass Brewery – ->
  • The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! ->
  • Blast from the past: : Great Wolf Lodge Homeschool Discount Days
    #Family #Kids #Life #Savings #Travel ->
  • So tired on my ride home I got a red eye from Starbucks. Now my body is ready to sleep by my mind thinks it's time to think all the things! ->
  • The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! ->
  • Blast from the past: : First CSA Pickup of 2010. aka Strawberries! Strawberries! Strawberries!
    #Family ->
  • My sore throat has now turned into a cough, which really doesn't compliment a sore throat at all. #ohthepain ->
  • Please check this out: 7 Ways to Update Your Family Christmas Traditions ->
  • This cough and sore throat is beginning to wear me down. ->
  • Love role playing? Check this out! Eldritch RPG: The Revised Edition by Dan Cross via @kickstarter #rpg #endstomorrow ->
  • Blast from the past: : The controversy continues
    #Family #Kids #Life #Parenting ->
  • The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! ->
  • I am beyond excited to give my husband his anniversary gift this weekend. I'm usually really bad at this but this year I think I nailed it. ->
  • Talking the kids to see Macbeth tonight at a community theater. We purchased the tickets with #timedollars earned from our local #timebank. ->
  • Blast from the past: : VOTE!
    #Education #Kids #Life #Unschooling ->
  • We've been #geocaching since 2007 and finally placed our first cache. #tookuslongenough ->
  • Picked up two pairs of awesome boots at our community #freecycle table today. ->
  • The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! ->
  • I love planning #vacations. ->
  • Just posted a bike in 0:00 with @RunKeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper ->
  • Just posted a strength workout in 0:00 with @RunKeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper ->
  • Just posted a strength workout in 0:00 with @RunKeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper ->
  • Finally making a dent in the mountain of laundry. ->
  • Community is a wonderful thing! #helpothers ->
  • The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! ->
  • Just posted a 6.50 mi bike – 156/156 Woot! Today I reached my goal of 156 workouts this year. My goa … #RunKeeper ->
  • Please check this out: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2013-11-05 to 2013-11-11 ->
  • Took the kids to see Music Man last week and we're going to see Macbeth on Thursday. #homeschooling ->
  • This stuffy nose I awoke with is not my typical morning stuffiness. #ugh ->
  • Blast from the past: : Organized Tools Get The Job Done Quicker
    #Life ->


Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at

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