Twitter Weekly Updates for 2013-11-05 to 2013-11-11

  • The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! ->
  • Just posted a 2.57 mi elliptical workout – 155/156 Stacking wood yesterday took more of a toll on me … #RunKeeper ->
  • Blast from the past: : Taming Tomatoes with a Telephone Pole Trellis
    #Crafts #Featured #Garden #Green #Life ->
  • The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! ->
  • Blast from the past: : Learning on the Fly
    #Education #Kids #Life #Travel ->
  • I just earned the 'Land of the Free (Level 2)' badge on @untappd! ->
  • I just earned the 'Heavy Weight (Level 5)' badge on @untappd! ->
  • Eh. Not great. – Drinking a Shoo-Fly Pie Porter by @lancasterbrew ->
  • Yeah date night where my spouse and I fart around on our phones a mere two feet from each other. ->
  • Nice smooth toasty ale. Free Will Coffee Oatmeal Brown… (C.O.B. (Coffee Oatmeal Brown)) #photo ->
  • Blast from the past: : Pie Day!
    #Food #Recipes ->
  • The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! Stories via @Idzie ->
  • Blast from the past: : Kindle 2 Reads to You.
    #Family ->
  • The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! ->
  • I hate feeling horrible and today I feel kind of horrible. ->
  • Every time I go to spell tongue I have to type it at least a half a dozen times before I get it right. #oneofthesedaysilllearn ->
  • I love this song, it reminds me of a time that I felt secure and truly loved. ->
  • Blast from the past: : Unschooling / #Homeschooling – Where to Start
    #Education #Family #Kids #Life #Parenting ->
  • The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! ->
  • Just posted a 2.05 mi elliptical workout – 154/156 filled in the other 5 min with weights. #RunKeeper ->
  • Every year I organize a hand made ornament exchange with friends. I just realized this year is my 10th year! #tradition ->
  • #NowPlaying Linger by The Cranberries on #Spotify ->
  • #NowPlaying Two Princes by Spin Doctors on #Spotify ->
  • Blast from the past: : Of Carpenter Bees and Weed Whackers
    #Garden #Life ->
  • #NowPlaying Video Games by Lana Del Rey on #Spotify ->
  • RT @redherringbear: I got 99 problems and most of them are bottles of beer on the wall. ->
  • Just saw someone post in Facebook that they took a ton of #Superman, #WonderWoman and other #comics to the dump when they moved. #headslap ->
  • The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! ->
  • RT @radical_abs: Love ->
  • Just posted a 4.50 mi bike – 153/156 #RunKeeper ->
  • Blast from the past: : Sad but Untrue ->
  • At least once a month a bird flies into my office window. Today one hit so hard it made me jump & left feathers on the glass. #poorbird ->
  • COD Ghost, half a growler of beer and a great online chat about books. #itsbeenagoodnight ->
  • Tonight took an interesting turn due to a loooong conversation online about books. ->
  • I'm enjoying Bell's Java Stout tonight. #reallyenjoyingit ->
  • Who knew my kids would enjoy doing multiplication tables? #notme ->
  • Good. Smooth and no overly coffee flavored. β€” Drinking a Java Stout by @BellsBrewery β€” ->
  • The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! ->
  • Blast from the past: : How #Kids Can Help the Victims of the Earthquake and Tsunami in…
    #Education #Featured #Life ->
  • β€œIt is not enough to be industrious; so are the ants. What are you industrious about?” ~ Henry David Thoreau ->
  • Just posted a 2.42 mi elliptical workout – 152/156 #RunKeeper ->
  • Please check this out: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2013-10-29 to 2013-11-04 ->
  • I always used to be too big to get clothes at a #ThriftShop. Yesterday I saw a great shirt at #goodwill and I'm currently wearing it! #win ->
  • So I've decided that I'm not a MOOC person. I can't even find time to do the work for a MOOC that is truly of interest to me. #kindofsad ->
  • It's election day people! Get out there and #vote! ->
  • All of life's problems would be solved if the many conversations I have with people in my mind while showering actually occurred. ->


Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at

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