15 Reasons to Host an Ornament Exchange


Last night I hosted an ornament exchange at my house.  It’s the 6th one I’ve hosted in as many years.  The only restriction on the ornaments is that they have to be hand made.  It’s amazing how many different ideas people come up with for their ornaments and how many variation there are. Never in the 6 years I’ve been doing this have we had a duplicate ornament or design.  This year there were 15 people who participated in the exchange and made the incredible ornaments picture above. So those are my 15* reasons to host an ornament exchange.

The ornaments are wonderful but the best part of it is getting everyone together for the exchange.  I love the energy when people get together in my home it fills the house with the holiday spirit.  We had a wonderful time talking about our ornaments and the holidays and just enjoying each others company. Do you participate in any exchanges or have holiday parties with your friends?

*If you counted you’ll notice that one ornament is missing, this is because the participant is in Ohio but her’s will be shipped to all the others so it wasn’t there yet to take a picture of.

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at HarmonicMama.com.

2 thoughts on “15 Reasons to Host an Ornament Exchange

  1. This is the first year I heard about ornament exchanges, but I really want to do one next year! I love handmade ornaments and like you, I love having friends fill my house 🙂

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